Furniture profile belongs to the category of semi-products used in the furniture industry which are submitted to further processing. It belongs to the same category as, for example, laminated furniture board which is almost always submitted to further cutting and covering of edges. Hence it is extremely important that these two complementary products are properly prepared for the process of covering. We offer you top quality product. Our attention to technical details allows you to be certain that by obiding the given requirements, the covering process will be trouble-free.
Temperature of the joined elements is a extremely important factor affecing the covering process. It refers both to the board and to the profile. In case of the long-lasting storage of furniture profiles in low temperatures, it is required to„stabilize” the profiles in order to adjust them to the working conditions, which means, that the profile should reach temperature of the environment in which it will be processed. It is recommended that this temperature in not lower than 20°C. To be 100% certain, the process of „stabilizing” should last 24h.
Considering the fact that profiles have different thickness, you need to remember to match covering machine settings to the currently used size of the profile. Also the pressure and working temperatures should be set to suit different types of materials used (PVC, ABS) and to their dimensions. In order to do so, technical and starting documentation of the covering machine should be followed. The applied profile should be cleansed from possible pollution in form of dust or metal fillings, which can cause small scratches or have negative impact on the durability of connection between the board and the profile.